The Sound Experience
Date: Sunday, December 22nd 2013
Time: 12:00 pm PST
Location: In the comfort of your own home
Connect: via phone or Internet
Duration: 60-90 Minutes
Cost: $45.00 per connection
*Registration will close Saturday, December 21st, 2013 at 12:00 pm PST
For More Information please contact Kristin at:
Welcome to the Sound Experience,
where all you need is a phone or computer and a place to lie down.
And yes, it’s that easy!
The event will start with a brief introduction on Sound Healing,
followed by a guided breathing meditation and 30+ minutes of beautiful healing tones.
All ages and animals are more than welcomed to participate.
Modern science is just now recognizing what the ancient mystics have told us for years, everything is in a state of vibration. Basically, all matter is emitting a frequency or a sound wave. From the electrons moving around the nucleus of an atom, to the planets in our galaxies, everything is emitting sound waves. We may not be able to see, hear or feel them, but everything in the world is in a state of motion, which in solid objects, manifests as vibration. Vibration is resonance, a synced frequency, and the coming together of attracting forces, “to allow or to manifest that which did not exist before.” Hence, we broadcast energy that will determine its own consequences. We thus become the generators of our own destiny.